About Jipitec
JIPITEC was founded in 2010.
JIPITEC aims at providing a forum for in-depth legal analysis of current issues of intellectual property, information technology and E-commerce law with the main focus on European law. Its intention is to develop an information platform that allows authors and users to work closer together than is the case in classical law reviews.
JIPITEC is an Open Access journal. Its articles may be downloaded and disseminated in accordance with the license terms chosen by the author. All articles may be used under the Digital Peer Publishing Licenses. Some authors have chosen to allow the use of their articles under additional license terms, e.g. a Creative Commons license.
JIPITEC was initially funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and is currently supported by DGRI.
JIPITEC is a European law journal. Its main focus is on European Union law, on the law of the EU member states, on other European jurisdictions and on aspects of international law in the field. As a European journal, JIPITEC publishes articles in English and in another European languages, especially German and French. Articles not written in English must provide an English abstract.
Articles may be submitted to the editors at contact@jipitec.eu
Submission deadlines for the coming issues
Go have a look at the open access online "Journal of Intellectual Poroperty, Information Technology and E-Commerce LAW (JIPITEC)", editied by Profs. Dreier, Dusollier, Guibault, Metzger, Peguera, Spindler.